
Brady Powers
Water/Wastewater Superintendent
301 E Margaret Street
Fairmont, MN  56031
(507) 235-6502 / 24-hr Emergency Line: (507) 235-6789

The City of Fairmont Wastewater Treatment Plant is an activated sludge system, which underwent a major upgrade in 2006. The plant can handle a daily flow of 2.35 million gallons; it has a maximum daily capacity of 7.57 million gallons per day and a peak hour capacity of 11.6 million gallons per day. Plant effluent water is pumped within the treatment plant to be reused wherever it is needed, eliminating the need for the City to use costly municipal water in its plant. Wastewater is collected through a system utilizing 75 miles of sewer lines and 30 lift stations.

Links of Interest
Utility History: 1902 – 2015
Wastewater Process & Facility Overview
Wastewater Treatment Facility Plan (February 2020)


