Planner & Zoning Department
100 Downtown Plaza
Fairmont, MN 56031
(507) 238-3997
The Planning & Zoning Department is responsible for the long-range planning needs of the City, administration and enforcement of the City’s zoning and subdivision regulations, staffing the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals, and assisting the community with their projects.
The department’s mission is guided by the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Comprehensive planning is a foundational tool for achieving strategic long-range land use patterns, leveraging and protecting natural resources, substantial and sustainable development, affordable housing and excellent neighborhoods, safe and efficient infrastructure systems, and equitable access to services.
- Zoning Permit
- Accessory Structure
- Fence
- Sign
- Steps
- Deck/Landing
- Planning Application
- Administrative Appeal
- Code Amendment
- Conditional Use Permit
- Home Occupation Permit
- Minor Subdivision
- Major Subdivision
- Planned Unit Development
- Rezoning
- Variance
Links of Interest
Board of Zoning Appeals
Community Development
Fairmont Forward: 2040 Comprehensive Plan
Land Use Map
Planning Application
Planning Commission
Zoning Map
Zoning Permit